You’re invited!
Thursday, July 23 – Sunday, July 26, 2020
Washington, DC
The SDCN Leaders‘ Summit (SLS) is an unparalleled opportunity to meet the key leaders in the Network and learn from a special core group of SD student leaders and advisors from across the country.
Participants will:
- Learn how to enhance their “pitch” of SD to others
- Participate in exercises to build self-awareness and understanding of work styles
- Map community stakeholders and develop recruitment plans
- Refine selection processes and skill development plans for SD volunteers
- Plan large-scale events to broaden SD’s reach
- Learn tools for innovative social action
- Learn best practices from others on how SD runs best on their campuses
Guests speakers have included:
- Ashoka YouthVenture, an organization which gives students tools to become social change makers,
- Vernon A. Wall, a nationally known speaker on leadership and one of the founders of the Social Justice Training Institute,
- David Urso, who has inspired professionals and students alike to understand their own values and leadership potential and more!
This is a separate event from the Moderator Workshop held annually on each campus.
Who: Bring the 2 student leaders and 1 advisor most directly responsible for the direction of the SD group on campus this coming year. This is the most important event for planning how to organize dialogue groups on campus each year through Sustained Dialogue.
Sustained Dialogue Institute’s’ National Offices in Washington, DC –
444 N. Capitol St. NW, Washington, DC
Lodging: George Washington University’s Foggy Bottom Campus: $46/person per night plus fees or at hotel of your choice
Thursday, July 23 1:30pm – Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 2pm.
What will we do:
Check out a sample participant agenda here!
How much:
Team Registration – $560 before May 29th, 2020
Individual Registration– $235 before May 29th, 2020
Late registration increases to $390/attendee and $1,010.
Registration closes July 3rd (including housing). Spaces are limited, so register soon.

I’ve registered a team. Now what?
Each participant will need to fill out the Attendee Information Form to ensure dietary needs, specific information, and ability needs.
- Please fill out this form to complete your registration: Attendee Information Form
- Campus Chapter Visioning Packet and Calendar for Pre-work
- Sustained Dialogue Campus Network Leadership Manual – will send by email
- Student Yearlong SD Plan (download .pdf): Yearlong Calendar
- SLS Participant Agenda 2017 – see a sample agenda!
Travel and Logistics:
- We expect teams to arrive before Thursday, July 23 at 1:30pm, when the Summit begins at our offices in DC at 444 N. Capitol St. NW.
- The nearest airport is DCA – Reagan National. BWI – Baltimore is also nearby (about an hour train ride).
- We expect chapters to organize funding for lodging, travel, and registration, but for those who have not budgeted for the event’s costs, please apply for a partial, task-based scholarship by contacting SDI. We can only accommodate a limited amount of funding for those applying, however, so please make every effort to raise funding through other means.
Lodging information (for those who are staying at GWU Summer Housing):
- Cost for a stay at GWU in shared rooms is a total of $158 per person for all three nights ($46 per person per night, plus a one time $15 linen charge and a $5 processing fee).
- Students are heavily encouraged to stay at the dorms at George Washington University. These are multiple occupancy rooms with a shared bathroom. Please be in touch with us about ability needs before registering for a dorm room so we can make sure to have a room that works well for your entire team.
- Advisors are welcome to stay at GWU as well (in advisor-only shared rooms) or to independently book a room at a local hotel. GWU does have private rooms for a higher cost, but they can not be guaranteed.
- For a list of room amenities plus all items prohibited by GWU, please visit https://summerhousing.gwu.edu/short-stay-pack
- For information on safety and emergency procedures at GWU, please visit http://summerhousing.gwu.edu/safety
Where is the SLS located?
All events take place at our office building, 444 N. Capitol St NW, Washington D.C. 20001. This is a large building called “The Hall of States” located just a block from Union Station.
How do I get to and from the SLS and my dorm at GWU?
Both the SLS and GWU are right on metro lines. From GWU, enter the metro at the Foggy Bottom stop and take any line (Blue, Orange, or Silver) toward Largo Town Center or New Carrollton. Get off at Metro Center and transfer to the Red Line toward Glenmont. Get off at Union Station and head away from the statue and toward the tall buildings. The building is on N. Capitol St between D and E streets. To go from the SLS to GWU, simply do these steps in reverse.
How does the DC metro work?
The DC metro is very simple. Before your first ride, buy a SmarTrip card at an automated machine. DO NOT BUY A PAPER FARECARD. Once you’ve bought a SmarTrip card and loaded money on it, all you have to do is tap it to the turnstile to enter and to exit the metro. The lines have colors and directions, not numbers. We will provide you with a map, and you can also download one of several free DC Metro apps for your smart phone. The metro runs until midnight Sun-Thurs. and until 3am Fri-Sat.
Should I eat breakfast each morning before I arrive?
No! We will have bagels and fruit every morning, as well as coffee all day. If you would like something else, feel free to get that for yourself and bring it with you.
How do I get to the SLS from the airport?
From DCA (Reagan National Airport): Take the metro! Take the Yellow line towards Greenbelt or Fort Totten, get off at Gallery Place/Chinatown and transfer to the Red Line toward Glenmont. Get off at Union Station. You can also take the Blue Line toward Largo Town Center and transfer to the Red at Metro Center (get off at Union Station), but this is a slightly longer trip, so if you see a Yellow Line train, hop on that one!
From BWI (Baltimore): Take a MARC (weekdays only) or Amtrak train from BWI to Union Station. Timetables and prices are available online.
From IAD (Dulles): Take a super shuttle or an express bus. The super shuttle will drop you off anywhere you want, and the bus takes you to L’Enfant Metro station, which is just one transfer away from our office (take the Yellow or Green Lines toward Fort Totten or Greenbelt. Transfer at Gallery Place to the Red Line toward Glenmont, and exit at Union Station). A cab from Dulles is pretty expensive.
What costs are included in my registration and housing fee?
All meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch are included except for dinner on Saturday when we will let you explore the city on your own. Materials, t-shirts, and speakers are included. A room at GWU and linens are included in your housing fee.
What is not included: transportation costs into the city or from the dorms to the SLS, dinner Friday night.
What sort of room will I be staying at in the GWU dorms?
You will be staying in a double or triple room with a common bathroom on the hall. The rooms will be single-gender. If dividing by gender poses a challenge for you, please let us know and we will find a great solution. You will all be staying in the same dorm, likely on the same hall, which will make it easy for you to travel together to and from the SLS office. We will let you know your room assignments before you arrive.
If something goes wrong with my travel plans, what do I do?
If your flight is delayed, just keep us posted. You can call our office at (202) 393-7643. Texting us personally is probably the best way to reach us from Thursday – Sunday!
I can’t come! Can I have a refund?
You can have a full refund up until 30 days before the event. After that time, we will be unable to issue a refund for your registration fee but will give you or another member of your school group a credit to attend a similarly priced event in the future. After June 29, we will be unable to secure any refund for your housing fee.
What are the miscellaneous travel costs not included in registration?
Metro Cards and Fare- You MUST buy a metro card to ride the metro to and from the GW dorms and the SDI office, and from DCA to anywhere in DC.
$2 for metro card
$4 for Thursday travel to and from GW and SDI office
$4.25 for Friday travel to and from GW and SDI office
$4 for Saturday travel to and from GW and SDI office
$4 for Sunday travel to and from GW and SDI office
$18.25 travel minimum
Additional Metro travel could include:
Metro fare from DCA to GW dorms
$2.70 travel during peak hours (opening – 9:30am, Monday -Friday)
$2.35 travel during off hours
Metro fare from DCA to SDI office
$2.45 travel
Parking at GW
$23 a day in the University Parking Garage
Parking at SDI office
$22 a day (weekday) in Colonial Parking Hall of States
$12 a day (weekend) in Colonial Parking Hall of States
Dinner on Saturday night is not included
Between $15- $30 per person
Hotel information for those who are not staying at GWU Summer Housing: Please inform us when you register of any participants staying at a hotel for the conference. Please note, separate lodging outside of GWU will need to be arranged by each program individually, not by SDCN. See the map below for several options within one block from our offices: