How is one of SDCN’s newest campuses working to integrate Sustained Dialogue into their campus culture? The University of Tampa is using retreats, academic credit for yearlong SD participation, and integrating SD into courses in various departments to help create impact for students across campus. Each January, a group of students will gather for a 3-day Sustained Dialogue retreat experience, and will meet all spring semester go through the five stages of dialogue. Other students will experience moderated dialogue in their sociology, criminology, and religion courses. The team at Tampa is based in the Wellness Center and has close connections with Student Affairs and the Dean of Students.

Imagine every journalist being trained in how to create dialogue about deep difference? Northwestern’s campus is making that dream a reality. When the group began in 2012, the SD team set their sights on creating an experience that could scale to compliment the curriculum. Now, with several years of student-led dialogue as experience, Northwestern’s campus is experimenting with a co-curricular Sustained Dialogue requirement for future students in the Medill School of Journalism and other majors. The campus has trained over 150 student moderators and run over 35 dialogue groups.

How does a campus engage its students, staff, faculty and senior administrators in conversations about inclusivity that can lead to change? Case Western Reserve has a multi-pronged approach to improving campus life. Students participate in dialogue groups and an SD retreat that forges cross-cultural connections on campus and beyond. Faculty and staff engage in dialogue groups that strengthen relationships and lead to recommendations to improve the campus experience for CWRU employees. The Office for Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, the Office of Multicultural Affairs and First Year Experience and Family Programs work collaboratively to ensure the Sustained Dialogue methodology is infused into the campus culture and widely used in campus offices, academic departments and within and outside the classroom.