The Sustained Dialogue Institute (SDI) is a capacity-building nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., that helps people transform conflictual relationships and design change processes around the world. The organization teaches processes toward more equitable, less violent futures using a five-stage dialogue process for community building, diplomacy, peacemaking, conflict transformation, collaboration and reconciliation.
We define dialogue as “listening deeply enough to be changed by what you learn.” Sustained Dialogue is a patented process created and published by Hal Saunders, a former U.S. diplomat, following his experience working with the Camp David Accords and the Iran Hostage Crisis.
One of the longest-running discourses between the United States and Russia used Sustained Dialogue to lead the conversation (the Dartmouth Conference). During the Civil War, Tajikistani peace agreements were crafted from sustained dialogue. The dialogue processes, which can be molded and taught, were created in situations of intense ethnic conflict.
Our Programs
SDI works with campuses, workplaces and leaders across the globe adapting Saunders’ peace process to engage in collaborative democratic practices across conflict lines. Request an orientation about current offerings through [email protected]
Sustained Dialogue Campus Network
We work with about 125 campuses around the world to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills to build inclusive communities. Develop a program, host stand alone workshops or become a deep member of our Campus Network.
We provide trainings and ongoing technical support to all types of workplace environments so that staff feel more comfortable and engaged and can resolve conflicts among themselves effectively.
We work in communities across the United States and Latin America to enhance opportunities for citizens to have an effective voice. Citizens learn tools to engage across lines of difference and build stronger, more collaborative communities.
We began as an international conflict resolution approach and our efforts in that capacity have never wavered. We continue to conduct the Dartmouth conference, the longest running dialogue between US and Russia as well as work in several other countries around the world.
Vision & Mission
Only a culture of dialogue enables all people to relate peacefully, justly, and productively.
Sustained Dialogue develops leaders able to transform differences into the strong relationships essential to equitable decision-making, democratic governance, and peace.