The guide is meant as a tool for moderators leading a dialogue group that has been formed for the purpose of explicitly focusing on faith, religion, and worldview. Moderators using the guide should have already participated in a Sustained Dialogue Moderator Training, and should be using the resource guide in conjunction with the full SD Moderator Manual. If you don’t have the full moderator manual reach out to the SD leadership team on your campus or to Sustained Dialogue at [email protected].
The guide is meant to help you lead your group through Sustained Dialogue’s five-stage dialogue to action process. The guide is structured around the five stages in the SD process. Included are resources for each stage. The ultimate goals of engaging in dialogue around faith, religion, and worldview are:
1) For group members to develop relationships across lines of difference in terms of religion, faith, and worldview
2) For your group to collaboratively take action to address local, state, or national issues related to divides around differences in religion, faith, and worldview
The curriculum within the guide was developed for weekly, ongoing dialogue groups that meet on college campuses in the United States. Several resources in the guide are also meant as tools for SD leadership team members who are leading recruitment for this group. Included in the resource guide are tools for helping you recruit strong moderators who can effectively facilitate a semester or yearlong dialogue group. If you are planning to use the guide differently, the curriculum and materials
may require adaptation.