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Fall Semester Resources for Educators


CULTURE SHIFT FELLOWSHIP: make a BIG impact with your skills for engaging with others. Calling on advisors, trained facilitators, students, and educators, we’re asking if you are interested in a CULTURE SHIFT? Learn more about the SDI Culture Shift Fellowship here.


From UCDavis’ Dialogues Across Difference: Solutions to Disruptive Speech in the Learning Environment

Looking for a video that you can show students to help them understand the expectations for campus and classroom discussion? Check out this law professor’s helpful explanation for how to navigatee the difference between dehumanizing conversation inside and outside of the classroom. We recommend showing portions of this video as students head back to class. Brian Soucek (UCDavis) 

We thank the UCDavis faculty and educators working to create clear syllabus and content explanations for the benefit of other institutions.

RESOURCE: SD Election Dialogue Guide

This written resource serves as a pre- or post-election dialogue guide (as we’ll be updating the document as the national 2024 election is decided). Access this short guide here.

Need other tools? Reach out at [email protected] and find out what else is available.


…Ask the Helpdesk: Submit an Inquiry Here

As campuses head back to campus, we’re thrilled to announce that, in partnership with the AAC&U’s Institute for Democracy and Higher Education, the Sustained Dialogue Institute’s Campus Network has launched an on-demand “help desk” for educators dealing with tricky campus moments related to democratic conversations. We’ve gathered a team of consulting scholar-practitioners, all with experience leading and navigating difficult conversations without sacrificing pedagogical goals nor academic freedom. We look forward to reading your questions! Submit your inquiry here.



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