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A photo of Sallie Batchelor

Sallie Batchelor


A Certified Trainer and “Ambassador” for the Sustained Dialogue Institute, Sallie Batchelor works to expand and adapt the Sustained Dialogue college campus model to serve independent high schools and other new populations. Sallie is also an independent college counselor and crew coach, having previously served as Associate Director of College Counseling and Head Coach of Girls’ Crew at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. Throughout her career, Sallie has participated in efforts to address conflicts and disparities–including the “Access to Success” committee at Phillips Academy, the Initiatives of Change Caux Scholars Program in Switzerland, and mediation training at the Community Dispute Settlement Center in Cambridge, MA. Sallie received her bachelor’s degree from Princeton University, where she was an active member of Sustained Dialogue, and her master’s degree in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago.

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