Chapter (in Ways Out of War: Peacemakers in the Middle East and Balkans)

Chapter Authors: Cecilia Albin, Andreas Jarblad Online preview: Link Available in: Ways Out of War: Peacemakers in the Middle East and Balkans, Edited by Mona Fixdal An exploration of the individual work of ten diplomats who were charged with negotiating conclusions to intractable conflicts in the Middle East and Balkans, this book is the first […]

The Virtue of Sustained Dialogue Among Civilizations (in International Journal on World Peace)

Author: Harold Saunders Full Text: Download Link ABSTRACT This article argues that dialogues take place between people rather than civilizations. The proposition that sovereign nation-states should be the primary actors to initiate a dialogue among civilizations has been undermined by globalization. Effective dialogue begins at the personal level, and globalization has made that not only […]

Ch. 7 “Diving In: A Handbook for Improving Race Relations on College Campuses Through the Process of Sustained Dialogue” (in Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems…)

Authors: Teddy Nemeroff, David Tukey Online: Text found in: (Book) Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems: Public Deliberation and Sustained Dialogue Abstract This chapter discusses the stages in conducting a sustained dialogue in a campus. In stage one, Deciding to Engage, students should develop a plan for establishing dialogue groups on their campus and gather […]

Chapters 2-3 (in Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems: Public Deliberation and Sustained Dialogue)

Authors: Harold Saunders and Priya Parker Text found in: (Book) Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems: Public Deliberation and Sustained Dialogue Abstract Chapter 2: The Sustained Dialogue Model: Transforming Relationships, Designing Change This chapter focuses on the sustained dialogue model. Sustained dialogue is a carefully designed and rigorously implemented process for transforming dysfunctional and conflicting relationships. […]

Successful Local Peacebuilding in Macedonia (in Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Authors: Ann Kelleher and Kelly Ryan Access via JSTOR: ABSTRACT Local peacebuilding projects should receive systematic and sustained analysis given their number and importance in creating conditions for peace in post-conflict societies. This analysis of the Nansen Integrated School in Jegunovce, Macedonia brings to light causal factors and specific practices that can produce successful local […]

Relational Design (in Journal of Awareness Based Social Change)

Authors: Savannah Keith Gress, Victor Udoewa Full Text: Abstract:  Participatory design occurs when professional designers do design work with the community members who will use the design. Traditional (colonial) participatory design leaves the choice of methodology in the hands of the professional designer, the leader or facilitator, who often chooses extractivist methods and methodologies, […]

Sustained Dialogue for Ground Water and Energy Resources in Chile (in Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education)

Suzanne A. Pierce, Reed A. Malin, Eugenio Figueroa Full text: Abstract: Water conflict arises in interconnected ways. As demand increases in one region or industrial sector, the accompanying shifts in water resource management regimes have impacts at the local level and may carry international implications. Insecure water resources are often the root cause of resistance or […]

Dr. Harold Saunders’ Luna Digital Exhibition

Thanks to the Kettering Foundation and the Sustained Dialogue Institute, the Saunders Collection is now digitally available at George Mason University. This archive has inestimable value to the field of conflict and peace studies, and its digitization now enables the University Libraries to share the Saunders story with the global scholarly community. Harold H. Saunders Conflict […]

Building Student Civic Leadership Through Sustained Dialogue (in Higher Ed Exchange)

SDCN Program Director Michaela Grenier contributed an article to the 2019 issue of the Higher Education Exchange journal, published annually by the Kettering Foundation. Grenier’s article describes the Sustained Dialogue (SD) process, applications of the SD process on college campuses, and the impact of participation in SD campus programs on college students’ civic leadership development.

Chapter: “Sustained Dialogue Campus Network” (in Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer on Dialogue and Deliberation in Higher Education)

Sustained Dialogue Campus Network team members Elizabeth Wuerz, Rhonda Fitzgerald, Michaela Grenier, and Ottavia Lezzi contributed a chapter to Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer on Dialogue and Deliberation in Higher Education (edited by Nicholas V. Longo and Timothy J. Shaffer). Creating Space for Democracy is a resource book for higher education professionals seeking dialogue […]

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